Tired all the time and ready for change?

✓ Imagine being able to fall asleep and stay asleep.

✓ Imagine waking up in the morning refreshed and energized to take on the day.

✓ Imagine being able to sleep without relying on sleep aids and addictive sleep medications.

✓ Get ready to show up the best version of YOU at work and home.

Get the help you need now!

You are tired of being exhausted, drained, and sleep-deprived.

No one thrives when your sleep is nonexistent.

I offer a personalized approach to achieving your sleep goals adapted to your needs.

Your sleep issues are costing you!

Does this sound all too familiar?

✓ You wake up in the morning and go through the day with a constant brain fog and exhaustion.

✓ You’re in the dreaded (peri) menopause phase, and sleep has eluded you.

✓ Your productivity and overall work performance are starting to decline.

✓ Sleep issues are disrupting your family’s well-being.

✓ You have tried many courses, products, and sleep hygiene hacks, but nothing seems to work.

✓ Poor sleep is affecting intimacy with your spouse.

✓You want to fix your sleep without dependence on melatonin, supplements, or medications.

✓ You are so drained and feel like you don’t have any more to give.

✓ Your doctor recommended sleeping pills, but you don’t want to rely on medications.

Our sleep coaching/insomnia program is for you if…

✓ You are struggling with insomnia or unrefreshing sleep.

✓ Your child is now sleeping well, yet you can’t seem to achieve restful sleep.

✓ You’re ready to regain confidence in your ability to sleep.

✓ Your poor sleep is impacting your family dynamics and work.

✓ You’ve tried everything, including all the sleep “hacks,” yet nothing works.

You are ready to stop relying on sleep aids, supplements, or sleep medications.

Sleep Coaching/Insomnia Treatment Packages

A large king size bed is adorned with white pillows and blankets--a cozy looking place for a restful sleep.

Sleep Deep Dive

During a 60-minute deep dive we: 

  • Troubleshoot your sleep disrupters that keep you from getting restful sleep and how to eliminate them.  

  • A review of your medical history with information on how it might be impacting your sleep.

  • Create a personalized plan with practical strategies to address your sleep concerns.

A follow-up call is included to discuss progress with the personalized sleep plan.

Total estimated value = $1500

Your investment = $500

A person is fast asleep under a light gray comforter. Their leg sticks out from the blanket slightly.

6-Session Sleep Coaching/ Insomnia Program (Most Popular)

Included in the program:

  • Troubleshoot your sleep disrupters and how to eliminate them.

  • A personalized plan with practical strategies to address your sleep concerns so everyone is sleeping through the night.

  • A virtual evaluation of your sleep environment with tips on optimizing them.

  • Sleep coaching using CBT-i (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia) the first-line, gold-standard, and most effective treatment recommended by the American Academy of Slee Medicine.

  • Personalized weekly 60-minute 1:1 coaching.

  • Stepwise guide to weaning you off sleep medications if needed.

  • Free access to a sleep-tracking app to track your sleep and make personalized changes

  • Discount codes to several of my favorite bedroom sleep tools.

  • By the end, you will have re-established your sleep confidence and have restored your energy.

    Total Estimated Value= $5,000

    Your investment = $2,400

Most Sought After Package!

Restful sleep is within your reach.

Book a free 20-minute discovery call to see if our sleep coaching/insomnia program is the right fit for you.